Rien de mieux qu’une bonne séance pour se remettre de la #FashionWeek 😉💪🏼👠👟 Merci JM & la Villa Wellness! (& merci aux Cafés Malongo ☕️ #lol)
#Menswear #SS18 #Blogger #BloggerLife
#VillaWellness #WorkOut #FitnessFabulous #GymAddict #Pilates #Yoga #FitFightForever #BikiniBody #BodyGoals #ILoveSport #LFW #FFW #MFW #PFW
Nothing better than a big work out to recover from the #FashionWeek 😉💪🏼👠👟
Thanx JM & the Villa Wellness! (& thanx to the Malongo Coffees ☕️ #lol)
#Menswear #SS18 #Blogger #BloggerLife
#VillaWellness #WorkOut #FitnessFabulous #GymAddict #Pilates #Yoga #FitFightForever #BikiniBody #BodyGoals #ILoveSport #LFW #FFW #MFW #PFW
Villa Wellness – http://www.villawellness.fr/
Instagram Villa Wellness – @villawellness
Facebook Villa Wellness – http://www.facebook.com/Villa-Wellness
Villa Wellness on Diamond’s Style – http://diamondstyle.fr/2017/05/wellness-wednesday-la-villa-wellness.html
Jimmy Choo – http://row.jimmychoo.com/
Nike – http://www.nike.com/fr/fr_fr/
La Roche Bobois – http://www.roche-bobois.com/
Cafés Malongo – http://www.malongo.com/