Du 10 au 13 Juin 2016 a eu lieu la Fashion Week Hommes de Londres qui a fait soupirer même les plus distinguées des Ladies ;)
Nous avons sélectionnés les plus beaux looks des catwalks Anglais
pour nos Hommes adorés
pour nos Hommes adorés
Nos chouchous pour cette Fashion Week so British sont: Thomas Pink, Matthew Miller, Richard James, Christopher Shannon, Sibling, Coach, Liam Hodges & Songzio ♥
From June, 10th to 13rd 2016 the London Fashion Week Menswear made even the most distinguished Ladies sighed ;)
We picked our fav’ looks from the English podiums for our beloved Men
Our crushes for this British Fashion Week are: Thomas Pink, Matthew Miller, Richard James, Christopher Shannon, Sibling, Coach, Liam Hodges & Songzio ♥
Xander Zhou
Oliver Spencer
Astrid Andersen
MCM X Christopher Raeburn
Thomas Pink
Matthew Miller
J.W. Anderson
Richard James
Christopher Shannon
Christopher Raeburn
Maison Mihara Yasuhiro
Christopher Kane
Liam Hodges
Alexander McQueen
Crédit Photos: London Fashion Week Press Release
Thomas Pink – http://www.thomaspink.com/
Matthew Miller – http://www.matthewmillermenswear.com/
Richard James – https://www.richardjames.co.uk/
Christopher Shannon – http://www.christophershannon.co.uk/
Sibling – https://siblinglondon.com/
Liam Hodges – http://liamhodges.co.uk/
Songzio – http://www.songzio.com/
top :)